
Harsil works hard to expose your open positions to a wider community of job seekers, increasing your chance of directly hiring your next employee. You do not have to pay posting charges for your jobs to appear on Harsil, all you have to do is maintain the job on your website. Below some common questions are answered, we hope you will find them useful.

How does the Harsil get jobs from your website?

Harsil periodically syncs up with your website to look for jobs. You can read our crawling policy here

Does Harsil expect jobs to be in a specific format?

No, Harsil utilizes algorithms to discover jobs on your website. All it expects is a job to have at least the following three pieces of information:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Location

What is not counted as job?

  • A page where you're asking the candidate to send their CV via an email address or form but not giving information about the job.
  • A job in PDF or Word document format. For now, Harsil ignores these.
  • A page which has more than one job is quite likely to be rejected.

How do I stop Harsil from showing my jobs?

You can adjust your robots.txt to disallow Harsil's bot. You can read about our crawling policy here. You can also let us know via email from your official email address.

How do I delete a job from Harsil?

When you delete a job on your website, Harsil will also stop showing the job in search result. However, there may some be some delay.

Does Harsil track job updates?

Yes, it does.

Does Harsil track jobs on our main website only?

No. You can post jobs on your main website, subsidiary website, or third-party job boards. The important requirement is that your jobs or career landing page should be reachable from the main website.